Kamis, 19 April 2012

[P678.Ebook] Free PDF Steve Jobs: The Journey is the Reward, by Jeffrey Young

Free PDF Steve Jobs: The Journey is the Reward, by Jeffrey Young

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Steve Jobs: The Journey is the Reward, by Jeffrey Young

Steve Jobs: The Journey is the Reward, by Jeffrey Young

Steve Jobs: The Journey is the Reward, by Jeffrey Young

Free PDF Steve Jobs: The Journey is the Reward, by Jeffrey Young

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Steve Jobs: The Journey is the Reward, by Jeffrey Young

Long out-of-print and highly acclaimed, Steve Jobs: The Journey is the Reward is the searing, detailed, intimate account of the twenty-something Steve’s youth, personal development, and first stint at Apple until he was ousted in 1985. Based on extraordinary access to Steve and everyone who knew him, the book was written in 1988 and draws a complete and complex picture of the first thirty years of the most fascinating titan of the tech era.

Steve Jobs wanted nothing less than to change the world. He did. With a computer. And a company called Apple. In a corner of his parents’ garage--with electronic whiz-kid Steve Wozniak--he parlayed his grasp of technology, a wildcatter’s raw nerve, and an irresistible vision of the future into the biggest success story in the history of Silicon Valley.

He was an adopted orphan, a college dropout, a Hare Krishna, a wanderer through India, an acidhead, a brilliant motivator and vicious destroyer, a relentless self-promoter, and a fearless and foolhardy risk-taker who inspired--and terrified--those who worked with him. Ten years later, after shattered friendships, titanic power struggles, wild tantrums, and wily maneuvers, he was removed as Chairman of the Board--leaving him on the outside with millions of dollars and a new dream: NeXT.

The author had extraordinary access to Steve and Apple during the Macintosh development period and its aftermath--as co-founder of MacWorld he spent years inside the company. A longtime science & technology editor for Forbes, he is also the co-author of the 2005 bestseller iCon Steve Jobs The Greatest Second Act in the History of Business.

  • Sales Rank: #1224863 in eBooks
  • Published on: 2011-10-25
  • Released on: 2011-10-25
  • Format: Kindle eBook

Most helpful customer reviews

19 of 20 people found the following review helpful.
Great Representation of a Brilliant and Quixotic Pioneer
By Greg T. Smith
I read this work in the late 1980s, and am still impressed with it to this day. It is one of the few completely fair and complete business biographies ever written.
Young does a landmark job digging into Jobs' formative years growing up as an adopted son of a machinist in pre-Silicon Valley, describes his years at Reed and India in more depth than any other author, perfectly covers his mercurial personality in both personal and professional relationships, and accurately chronicles his rise and fall in the labyrinth of corporate America.
This is the best of the Jobs and Apple books, and is far superior to The Return of Steve Jobs. Highly recommended to those interested in both the personal and professional life of one of America's great risk takers.

10 of 12 people found the following review helpful.
do you want a chance to change the world?
By A Customer
this is an absorbing, riveting true account of how an incredible visionary inspired and cajoled both talented and ordinary people to achieve things they could never dream of. I read this shortly after Jobs was ousted from Apple in the 80s and to witness how he came back to save Apple from oblivion a decade later is one of the great comeback stories of our time.

the title the journey is the reward is very zen and very much Steve Jobs in his early days ... the acid-dropping, bare-footed vegetarian who was at once arrogant and selfish yet brilliantly daring and inventive.

another interesting read is John Sculley's book Odyssey. Sculley, of course was Jobs' hand-picked CEO for Apple and the man who later ousted Jobs from Apple ... you'll see that inspite of Sculley's betrayal, he maintains in his writing a sense of awe ... that he was a convert in the Jobs' mystique ... he never was the same after Jobs' challenge "do you want to sell sugared water for the rest of your life? or do you want a chance to change the world?"

- darren tan

5 of 6 people found the following review helpful.
A fascinating look at Apple's golden years
By A Customer
I've read this book a few times over the years and love it. Since my first Apple IIe computer in 1984 I've been fascinated with the tale (fable, really) of Apple Computer, a company that was just unlike any other. This book, along with Rose's "West of Eden" and Levy's "Hackers" are among my favorite chronicles of the Apple lore. (Gen-Xers think that "two guys in a garage" is just a cute metaphor; they should be forced to read these books.) Young's depiction of Jobs as an acid-dropping, un-deoderized, mantra-mumbling crybaby may or may not be completely accurate... but it would explain a lot, wouldn't it

See all 13 customer reviews...

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Steve Jobs: The Journey is the Reward, by Jeffrey Young PDF

Steve Jobs: The Journey is the Reward, by Jeffrey Young PDF
Steve Jobs: The Journey is the Reward, by Jeffrey Young PDF

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